Platte Co Visitors Bureau

Exciting News Coming Your Way… 

Visitor's Bureau Exterior Screen

Have you driven through the Trackside District Downtown Columbus?

Have you noticed anything new or different?

Well, if you look up, you will see a recently installed nearly 12 foot by 7 foot 4K screen on the south facing exterior of the Visitors Bureau’s building, which is located directly behind the Courthouse. Folks can view the screen from the stoplight and from Frankfort Square.

So, what do you get to view?

CURRENT EVENTS in Platte County! If you think there is nothing to do in our communities, then you should definitely swing by and check it out. Our team at the Visitors Bureau work hard daily to add any current entertainment, sales, sporting and things to do in Platte County.

Axe In the Box, Screen, Visitors Bureau
A featured event scrolling on the Visitors Center’s screen.

Where do we find these events?

All events featured on the signage are located on our website: There you will find a master list of all the fun things you can see and do in Columbus and our surrounding community.

Do you have an event you want lit up on our screen?

Well, there’s an easy way to make that happen. Go to Enter your event with the click of your mouse. The Visitors Bureau will approve, make a video clip and the rest is history! Even better, there is NO CHARGE to you!

So, what are you waiting for? Get your events listed TODAY. We are here to help make your event even more successful.

*The screen was funded in part by the 2023 Platte County Improvement Grant.

#visitcolumbusne. #visitplatteco

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